MAD PLANETS Manufacturer: Gottlieb Year: 1983 Genre: Space Orientation: Vertical Conversion Class: See Pinouts DIP Switch Settings: SW#1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMO MODE* NO OFF YES ON -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMO SOUND YES OFF NO ON -------------------------------------------------------------------- COIN/CREDIT COIN #1 1C/1P OFF OFF 2C/1P ON OFF 1C/2P OFF ON FREE PLAY ON ON -------------------------------------------------------------------- # SHIPS 5 ON 3 OFF -------------------------------------------------------------------- BONUS 12K ON 10K OFF -------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFICULTY NORMAL OFF OFF EASY ON OFF HARD OFF ON HARDEST ON ON -------------------------------------------------------------------- * In the demostration mode, the player can select any round by rotating the rotary dial. Extra Ships are obtained by depressing the one player start button. Game play is initiated by depressing the two player start button.